Friday, June 4, 2010


How white-trash is Sarah Ferguson?

Something I never thought I would say about the red-haired Duchess, who in years prior had been described as a “breath of fresh air” at the palace.

I remember when she married Prince Andrew. It took a while for her to break in to her new royal shoes. At first, the tabloids made fun of her “ginger” hair and freckles. News of her latest exploits were littered across the checkout line at the grocery store. She soon calmed down, as grown folks tend to do.

Her amiable divorce was uneventful. She and the prince still lived together until 2004. Her post-royal career has been nothing less than admirable. She has been an inspiration to many as the spokesperson for Weight Watchers. She also has a splendid relationship with Prince Andrew. They are still very close.

More recently, she is caught on tape asking an undercover reporter posing as a wealthy businessman for a $40,000 cash down payment in return for an introduction to the Prince, as well as a $724,000 fee wired directly into her bank account.
Oh, but there’s more. She also insists on one percent commission from any of the profits the businessman/reporter makes as a result of meeting the Prince.

She does maintain his innocence in all of this, claiming he knows nothing about the situation, and would never ask for money, because he is “Whiter than white.”

So, what’s the deal here? Why is former royal hurting for money? She has a known shopping problem.

Fergie once told an interviewer that the late Princess Diana walked away from her divorce with $28 million, while she received nothing. She claims to have been dirt poor even while living in the palace. The queen was quite stingy with her money, that she often had to rely on her daughters for spare cash. The girls both have trust funds, from which they pay their mom a weekly allowance.

The word on the street is that Andrew has forgiven this latest exploit. I have a feeling that he will make sure she is in the money, so to speak, if only to keep her quiet and unseen.

c. 2010

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